Class FishjamClient<PeerMetadata, ServerMetadata>

FishjamClient is the main class to interact with Fishjam.

const client = new FishjamClient<PeerMetadata>();
const peerToken = "YOUR_PEER_TOKEN";

// You can listen to events emitted by the client
client.on("joined", (peerId, peersInRoom) => {
console.log("join success");

// Start the peer connection
peerMetadata: {},
isSimulcastOn: false,
token: peerToken

// Close the peer connection

You can register callbacks to handle the events emitted by the Client.

client.on("trackReady", (ctx) => {
console.log("On track ready");

Type Parameters




status: "new" | "initialized" = 'new'


  • Adds track that will be sent to the RTC Engine.


    • track: MediaStreamTrack

      Audio or video track e.g. from your microphone or camera.

    • OptionaltrackMetadata: TrackMetadata

      Any information about this track that other peers will receive in MessageEvents.peerJoined. E.g. this can source of the track - wheather it's screensharing, webcam or some other media device.

    • simulcastConfig: SimulcastConfig = ...

      Simulcast configuration. By default, simulcast is disabled. For more information refer to SimulcastConfig.

    • maxBandwidth: TrackBandwidthLimit = 0

      Maximal bandwidth this track can use. Defaults to 0 which is unlimited. This option has no effect for simulcast and audio tracks. For simulcast tracks use FishjamClient.setTrackBandwidth.

    Returns Promise<string>

    Returns id of added track

    const localStream: MediaStream = new MediaStream();
    try {
    const localAudioStream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(
    { audio: true }
    .forEach((track) => localStream.addTrack(track));
    } catch (error) {
    console.error("Couldn't get microphone permission:", error);

    try {
    const localVideoStream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(
    { video: true }
    .forEach((track) => localStream.addTrack(track));
    } catch (error) {
    console.error("Couldn't get camera permission:", error);

    .forEach((track) => client.addTrack(track, localStream));
  • Disables track encoding so that it will be no longer sent to the server.


    • trackId: string

      Id of track

    • encoding: Variant

      Encoding that will be disabled

    Returns Promise<void>

    const trackId = webrtc.addTrack(track, stream, {}, {enabled: true, active_encodings: ["l", "m", "h"]});
    webrtc.disableTrackEncoding(trackId, "l");
  • Disconnect from the room, and close the websocket connection. Tries to leave the room gracefully, but if it fails, it will close the websocket anyway.

    Returns void

    const client = new FishjamClient<PeerMetadata>();

    client.connect({ ... });

  • Enables track encoding so that it will be sent to the server.


    • trackId: string

      Id of track

    • encoding: Variant

      Encoding that will be enabled

    Returns Promise<void>

    const trackId = webrtc.addTrack(track, stream, {}, {enabled: true, active_encodings: ["l", "m", "h"]});
    webrtc.disableTrackEncoding(trackId, "l");
    // wait some time
    webrtc.enableTrackEncoding(trackId, "l");
  • Returns (string | symbol)[]

  • Returns number

  • Leaves the room. This function should be called when user leaves the room in a clean way e.g. by clicking a dedicated, custom button disconnect. As a result there will be generated one more media event that should be sent to the RTC Engine. Thanks to it each other peer will be notified that peer left in MessageEvents.peerLeft,

    Returns void

  • Removes a track from connection that was being sent to the RTC Engine.


    • trackId: string

      Id of audio or video track to remove.

    Returns Promise<void>

    // setup camera
    let localStream: MediaStream = new MediaStream();
    try {
    localVideoStream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(
    .forEach((track) => localStream.addTrack(track));
    } catch (error) {
    console.error("Couldn't get camera permission:", error);

    let trackId
    .forEach((track) => trackId = webrtc.addTrack(track, localStream));

    // remove track
  • Replaces a track that is being sent to the RTC Engine.


    • trackId: string

      Id of audio or video track to replace.

    • newTrack: null | MediaStreamTrack

      New audio or video track.

    Returns Promise<void>


    // setup camera
    let localStream: MediaStream = new MediaStream();
    try {
    localVideoStream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(
    .forEach((track) => localStream.addTrack(track));
    } catch (error) {
    console.error("Couldn't get camera permission:", error);
    let oldTrackId;
    .forEach((track) => trackId = webrtc.addTrack(track, localStream));

    // change camera
    const oldTrack = localStream.getVideoTracks()[0];
    let videoDeviceId = "abcd-1234";
    video: {
    ...(VIDEO_CONSTRAINTS as {}),
    deviceId: {
    exact: videoDeviceId,
    .then((stream) => {
    let videoTrack = stream.getVideoTracks()[0];
    webrtc.replaceTrack(oldTrackId, videoTrack);
    .catch((error) => {
    console.error('Error switching camera', error);
  • Updates maximum bandwidth for the given simulcast encoding of the given track.


    • trackId: string

      Id of the track

    • rid: Variant

      Rid of the encoding

    • bandwidth: number

      Desired max bandwidth used by the encoding (in kbps)

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Parameters

    • maxListeners: number

    Returns this

  • Sets track encoding that server should send to the client library.

    The encoding will be sent whenever it is available. If chosen encoding is temporarily unavailable, some other encoding will be sent until chosen encoding becomes active again.


    • trackId: string

      Id of track

    • encoding: Variant

      Encoding to receive

    Returns void

    webrtc.setTargetTrackEncoding(incomingTrackCtx.trackId, "l")
  • Updates maximum bandwidth for the track identified by trackId. This value directly translates to quality of the stream and, in case of video, to the amount of RTP packets being sent. In case trackId points at the simulcast track bandwidth is split between all of the variant streams proportionally to their resolution.


    • trackId: string
    • bandwidth: number

      In kbps

    Returns Promise<boolean>


  • Updates the metadata for a specific track.


    • trackId: string

      TrackId (generated in addTrack) of audio or video track.

    • trackMetadata: TrackMetadata

      Data about this track that other peers will receive upon joining.

      If the metadata is different from what is already tracked in the room, the event MessageEvents.trackUpdated will be emitted for other peers in the room.

    Returns void